One Continuous Circle

My College Class Ring

Having just graduated from college and with things dying down (well sorta, I still have studying to do for the NCLEX...), I've decided to start blogging again. Also, a good friend of mine was talking about starting a blog and I was like, 'Well, I kinda have free time so maybe I can start that up again.' In high school, I remember when blogging was the fad and I would be eager to get home from school just to type up the events that occurred that day and my feelings and whatnot. I just have to thank Xanga for being the outlet for 70% of the teenage population of my generation. I actually find myself visiting my old Xanga site and putting myself in a nostalgic state. I must say that I had quite the interesting life back then. I still find myself missing it from time to time. I've come a long way since then. I graduated from college last Friday and from the picture above, I am sure you can figure out what kind of degree I received.

Aside from what I wrote on the picture, I am actually not done as I intend to go to graduate school. I figured that phrase was perfect because it has been a long four years. It's a big accomplishment to finish your college education and I definitely felt feelings of pride, relief, and extreme happiness on graduation day.

Anyways, my main focus right now is to pass my boards, which I have begun studying for. This is another reason why I opened up a blog. I am sure I will need a place to vent and something to do on my "breaks". I also intend to use my dSLR more and engage more into photography, a hobby that I was not able to really get into because school kind of got in the way. (Once I am focused on one thing, I completely disregard everything else.) Anyways, I will also use this as a place that I can share my work-- my photos.

Well, I wanted this blog to be a little bit longer but I am feeling lazy so I'll just update later. I'm not sure who will stumble upon this or when I will make it available for all of my friends to know about it.. But if you happen to stumble upon my little piece of the web, feel free to leave a comment! I like making new friends :) Unless you're a pedophile or something..

Thanks for taking the time to read this! :)


  1. hahaha. i love the last sentence..."unless you're a pedophile or something". hahaha. funny funny stuff. blogging is cool. :)


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