I have been MIA!

Yes, it's true. I've been neglecting my blog and not because I have nothing to write about but just the fact I've gotten lazy. I've come to accept that it's inevitable for me to get lazy when engaging in hobbies. And I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. It probably is a bad thing, yeah?

Anyway, it's true. A lot has happened since I last posted something on this blogsite. Just to name a few things: Christmas, New Years, performing a traditional Filipino dance called Pandanggo Sa Ilaw for a benefit concert and the Filipino community, participating in a modern dance (Just so you know, that's way out of my comfort level), going to Seaworld, going to Harry Potter world, meeting Leejay and Jeremy aka youtube sensation r&b singer "Passion", and finding a group of friends I feel like I can be myself around. That's only a few things that have happened in the five months I have been unemployed after graduating. After putting in countless amounts of applications and watching the job openings on the websites, I ended up finally getting offered a job last Friday at a hospital. Yup, I'm just waiting for HR to call me so they can set up my orientation dates as well as my screening. Apparently, for my new career as a nurse, I will start out fulltime in an ortho/neuro (primarily ortho) unit for night shift. Crazy, right? I'm excited and nervous at the same time.

Now, I am still beating myself up over the fact that I did not meet the deadline for the Mayo internship back in September but that's old news. This is not exactly what I planned as I wanted to start out as a critical care nurse but you know, I've tried other opportunities to put me in that field. I've learned that society has taught us to be assertive in life but sometimes, you just have to let go and let God. I've known this for a while now and live up to it but it's only now that I'm beginning to realize what that means. Like, I really want to start off as a critical care nurse and I'm trying to pull all the strings to get into that department but I was given this job. I guess God is trying to tell me that maybe it's good for me to start from the bottom and climb to the top so I have a good foundation. I guess I'm just worried that night shift on the ortho floor won't give me the experience that I need to progress but we shall see what the future holds for me. I just have to concentrate on here and now. Honestly? I have a lot of things on my mind regarding the future. It's pretty scary but I can only pray for God to put my mind at ease. I know He will.

I'm sure I'll be posting up more entries as I start on the floor as a nurse.
Pray for me as I begin my journey. :) I'm curious to see what's in store for me.
