Oh and just so you know, it's still raining!

Alright, it's been a while since I've posted anything. I've just been studying like crazy for the NCLEX. I've rescheduled my date but have not told anyone about when I am going to take it. Why? Because what if I fail? That will be SO embarrassing. Anyways, I'm trying to keep a positive attitude and I will study hard everyday until the day of the test but man, it's just so hard to concentrate sometimes. This is why I gave one of my best friends the password to my account and told her to change it so I can refrain from visiting it. I think it's for the best.

...in fact, I know it is.

So, today.. or well yesterday, considering that it just turned 12AM.. I attended my first FSA event. FSA stands for "Filipino Student Association". I think it's really funny that for the first event I attend.. I am no longer a student at the college where this association is established. Nonetheless, I had fun. It's always good to go out and mix and mingle and meet new people. The event was a "beach" bash at a local park. Unfortunately, it wasn't held on the beach but instead on a picnic area near a lake. They should have called it a lake bash instead but I guess beach bash sounds better. I'm totally kidding. I really didn't care where it was held. I guess it's okay that it was next to a lake considering the fact that there was rip tide warning and those aren't fun to swim with, right? :)

Attending this event, I've realized a couple of things today...

1.) I'm a pretty independent person. I enjoy being by myself and can stand being alone most of the time but I do enjoy being with good company that can make me laugh and feel at peace. Sometimes it's just good to mix and mingle a bit to enjoy the company of others even if you're just sitting around, eating food, and just jamming on the guitar with friends, both new and old. The party scene is not my thing. I like to talk to people when they're sober. Oh but social drinking every now and then with people you trust is always good to do from time to time.

2.) Despite myself being the shy type, I love love LOVE meeting new people. It's like every person has a different story to tell and everyone touches your life in a different way (Hopefully, in a good way...). It's just fun to make new friends as long as they are nice, chill, non-judgemental, and don't stink.

3.) I can't figure out people who do not introduce themselves when they meet new people. Is it because they're shy or are they stuck up and don't want to meet you? I really can't figure it out. I usually wait for the other person to introduce themselves to me.

4.) I am happy my brother has found a group of people he can laugh and tell corny jokes with. I seem to grow fond of people who can get along with my brother. :)

Also, there were a couple of other things I realized today but I don't know if I should mention it in a blog. See, there are things I want to mention in a blog but would probably get in a mess if someone stumbled upon it. We'll see what happens. Should I mention it in the next blog I write?

Anyways, so I've recently gotten interested in a new hobby: BAKING. I don't really think it's the baking part that I'm into but more or so the designing part. My first project were this Filipino-themed cupcakes that I made for the FSA beach bash potluck. Unfortunately, the SD card with all the pictures I took of these delicious treats is downstairs and me, being my lazy fatass self, does not want to go downstairs to retrieve it so I will just post it tomorrow when I take a break. Apparently, I got a lot of compliments about those cupcakes and they even tasted good so yay! :) So my 2nd project, consisted of a birthday cake for my baby cousin who is in the Philippines. Even though he couldn't eat the cake I made for him, I made it anyway. It was kind of my excuse to try designing and making a cake. So the best part of indulging myself into this hobby is trying out different things. I've recently been addicted to making fondant to be used for decorating these treats. It is way easier and more fun to manipulate to make your tasty treats look cute. I looked a recipe for marshmellow fondant but have realized that walmart does sell some pre-made fondant that costed about the same as all the materials I would buy for the marshmellow fondant. Plus, I think the pre-made stuff comes with more fondant.

Oh, "But, what is fondant?", you may ask. Well, my fellow bloggers, is basically icing in a clay-type form. Basically, you can manipulate this wayyyy better. My homemade fondant basically consists of marshmellows + powdered sugar. You can definitely be more adventurous and add several flavors. For example, when Christmas comes along, I am going to experiment with adding cinammon to my fondant to make it my Christmas-like. Anyways, so for my cousin's birthday cake, I wanted to do a basic design of making the cake look like a gift plus make a winnie the pooh fondant model. Couldn't do it though because it was so late and I needed to eat dinner so I stuck with the gift design plus his name. It turned out pretty well but I need to research a few things. Oh well, I enjoy messing around with fondant. I have no idea what my next project will be. I want to make a batch of cupcakes again with cute designs. The next cake I will make will be for my brother's birthday. I am still planning how I want that to turn out. Since he is turning 18, I was thinking about making him a three or two layer cake. That sounds exciting! I just wanna try to do different things. I guess what I am trying to say that I love the idea of making food as being an art cuz there are different ways you can be creative.

Here are some pictures of the cake:

Don't you love how my shirt matches the color used for the ribbon of the cake?

I didn't stencil the letters of my cousin's name so I think I need to work on making it more perfect. Plus, the ribbon of the cake needs to be "poofier".

See the laptop in the background? I was webcamming with my auntie, my cousin's mom. It was like I had my own cooking show. Please excuse my POWDERSUGARdust in the background. I am a messy baker. I will post up my Filipino cupcakes tomorrow!

That's it for tonight. I have church in the morning so I gotta wake up early. 

Take care and God bless! :)


  1. Angelica, the cake looks awesome! How did the fondant actually taste? I'm always afraid fondant will taste bad.

    Ps Nice layout/background/whatever.


  2. HAHA...you wrote a book my friend. hehe. so...first thing...ur blog looks coolio. i wish i could do something cool but idk how to do all that fancy stuff. second thing...u will pass!!!! i know it!!! :))

    So...i need this recipe for the fondant. i want to start baking a cake! and did the fondant taste really sweet? bc I want to make a semi-healthy cake. haha

  3. Amanda: The fondant is actually really sweet! For me, I don't really like fondant. I just like decorating with it. :o) Thank you!

    Anne: I hope so! Go online and I'll give it to you! Or you can search Marshmellow fondant on google. That's what I did. My mom likes the fondant. She was eating it while i was trying to put it on the cake. I'm not sure if fondant is the way to go if you wanna be healthy. I could be wrong though. Maybe they have some healthy fondants hehe.


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